Early Signs of Autism
Early Signs of Autism: ASD symptoms in babies and young children
Did you know that autism spectrum disorder can be detected as early as infants and toddlers? Yet, many children with ASD are not diagnosed until they reach the age of 2 or 3 years old. It’s important to know the early signs of Autism in children.
This article will help parents and caregivers to get a better understanding of the symptoms, signs, and characteristics of autism. Let’s find out more about early intervention and how it can help your child have a healthier future.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Diagnosis of Children
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke cites four “classic” major symptoms that pediatricians use often to diagnose children who have autism:
- Poor communication skills
- Restricted Interests
- Stimming, repetitive behaviours
- No verbal skills or limited verbal abilities
Many of these signs are difficult to detect in a baby that is still in the early stages of development. Many parents wait until later to seek a diagnosis, which could mean their child misses out on the benefits of early interventions.
What signs can you see? Here are some things parents should be on the lookout for.
Autism Signs in Babies
Autism spectrum disorder is a condition that affects every baby differently. Depending on your child’s age, several traits may indicate autism.
Autism Signs in Infants from 1 to 3 months of Age
There are a few things to watch out for, even though it may be too soon to diagnose autism in the first three months of a child’s life. Early signs of autism include:
- Limited interaction with caregivers– Babies may not respond to cues, such as cooing and gestures like waving or clapping.
- Reduced Eye Contact – Babies may avoid Eye contact when doing activities such as nursing, and they may be fussier or harder to comfort compared to neurotypical babies.
- Sensory Challenges: Babies on the autism spectrum can be distressed by certain textures, and may suffer from sensory overload when playing with toys that are loud or flashing.
Autism Signs at Four to Six Months
Autism can be difficult to diagnose at this age, but early signs of autism may be more obvious. Autism can be detected in babies aged 4 to 6 months.
- Limited Eye Contact– A lack of eye contact with caregivers.
- Difficulty with social engagement– infrequent smiles or inability to respond to social cues such as cooing or facial expressions.
- Delay or absent babbling
- Limited Interest in Surroundings – reduced curiosity towards the environment, other people or objects.
- Sensitivities: heightened sensitivity to certain sounds, textures or lights.
- Lacking motor movements– Babies may not grasp or hold onto objects.

Autism Signs at 7 to 12 months
Certain signs can indicate autism in infants between 7 and 12 months. Consult your doctor if you notice delays in the development of your child.
Early signs of autism are seen in infants aged 7-12 months.
- Delayed crawling Some babies with autism can delay crawling in comparison to their neurotypical peers.
- Appearing Unbalanced Some infants with Autism may appear unbalanced, or have difficulty standing up even when supported.
- Avoidance Of Eye Contact – limited or avoided eye contact with caregivers and others.
- Limited Pointing – difficulty or lack of pointing at objects or images to communicate or express interest.
- Speech Development Challenges – limited or incomprehensible language may be observed. children are not meeting typical speech milestones.
- Lacking gestures– Babies with autism might not use gestures like waving their hands or shaking their heads to communicate.
Autism Signs in Toddlers
The symptoms of autism in toddlers are usually a progression from those that were present during childhood. Autistic children may display frustration through tantrums and outbursts.
Autism in boys younger than is more prevalent in comparison to girls. Children often start to display symptoms of autism at this age.
Autism Signs in a 1-Year-Old
Early intervention and assistance can be critical for identifying signs of autism among 1-year-olds. Remember that development timelines can vary and these signs do not necessarily confirm an autism diagnosis.
Explore some of the common signs of Autism in 1-year-olds.
Communication and social interaction challenges
- When they are excited, they will not make eye contact with their parents.
- They may not hold objects up or point at things they find interesting to ensure their parents are also aware of them.
- When their parents call them by name, they don’t answer.
- They may not use gestures that are typical of their age, for example, they might not wave goodbye without being asked to.
- Some people may not return smiles to those who smile at you.
- It is not acceptable for children to copy their parents’ actions. For example, they may not pretend to wash their own hands while their parents do so.
- The children are not pretending or talking to their parents.
- It is difficult for them to understand simple instructions such as, “Show me the vehicle.”
Behavioural challenges
- Some toys and other objects are of great interest to them.
- They repeat behaviours such as spinning the toy car’s wheels constantly.
- They demonstrate certain routines, such as aligning objects.
- When they are not allowed to do certain things, like watching their favourite cartoons, they become agitated.
- Changes in routine upset them; for instance, their parents have to always take the same route to visit their grandparents.
- They perform repetitive movements, including flapping their arms, toe-walking, arching their spines, and others.
- The environment can easily disturb them, whether it is bright lights, loud sounds, or strong odours.
Playtime Challenges
- The children don’t show much interest in other kids and they aren’t interested in trying to get their attention.
- They do not initiate games such as chase or peekaboo.
- They do not engage in pretend games, like pretending to feed an infant.
Autism in Children Aged 1 to 2 Years
Early intervention is extremely important for understanding and addressing the signs of autism between 1 and 2 years old. It is important to be able to offer timely support and interventions that can positively influence a child’s growth.

Explore the signs and symptoms of autism in children aged 18 months to 2 years.
Communication and Interaction Challenges
- When someone speaks to them, or when their parents are speaking to them, they avoid eye contact.
- The person may not speak at all or only use gestures or sounds.
- They do not show any attention-seeking behaviours – they don’t point at objects or seek approval for what they do.
- They are usually solitary and prefer to play by themselves.
- They rarely react to any social cues, such as their parents’ smiles or body language.
- The person doesn’t reply to their name.
- They may have a schedule that they prefer and throw a fit if anything changes. For example, if the weekend comes or if you stay up late.
- They do not understand what is socially acceptable or unacceptable, like approaching someone without speaking.
- When socializing, they will gravitate to their favourites and won’t leave them.
Challenges during playtime
- The children are not interested in playing with babies or other pretend games that would be appropriate for their age.
- The children are not interested in playing or approach the other children awkwardly without saying anything.
- When playing with other children, they may not respect their personal space or take a toy from another child without permission.
Challenges to behavior
- The repetitive behaviours ( stimming) include finger flicking, hand flapping, and rocking.
- It’s difficult for them to listen to their parents, or follow where they point.
- They may have obsessive interests, like collecting things.
- You can make them use certain objects, like a cup or plate.
- These people show symptoms of visual fixation, including stare syllables.
- They are more interested in objects and fewer people.
- They react unusually to sounds, textures or sights. For example, they may cover their ears when loud noises are made or avoid certain textures.
Autism Signs in Children Aged 3 to 5
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), also known as autism, is diagnosed more often after age 3 when signs of autism are more obvious. Occasionally, identification may occur earlier. Early intervention can have a positive impact on a child’s growth.
Autism in Children Aged 3 Years
Autism is usually evident in children as early as three years old. Autism in children under 3 years old can be identified by:
Social and Communication Skills
- Some children prefer to play alone, and others have little interest in playing with other kids.
- Children don’t like to share their toys with other children and are upset when they do.
- They don’t understand pretend play or turn-taking.
- They seldom initiate play. They often play with other children’s toys or approach them without speaking.
- There are signs of language delay or regression in their speech. They may not speak as much or at all as their peers.
- They avoid eye contact with their parents or peers.
- The children don’t imitate their parents or show any facial expressions.
- Instead of engaging in conversation, they repeat what other people say.
- They use ” Echolalia ” – repeatedly repeating words, phrases or sounds.
- The pronouns they use may be incorrect. For example, “you” may be used instead of “I”, and vice versa.
- Even when asked by their parents, they rarely make gestures such as pointing or clapping.
- They don’t understand age-appropriate humour or teasing.
- When their parents or relatives try to hug or pat them on the head, they overreact and avoid contact.
- They have difficulty expressing or understanding the feelings of their parents, like anger, sadness or concern.
- The repetitive behaviours include flapping the hands or rocking backwards and forwards.
- The sensation of spinning or swaying is very appealing to them.
- They often show an obsessive interest in a toy or an activity.
- When they play, they often follow a pattern. They may arrange toys in a structured way or pile them up.
- They may have a limited attention span, and not be interested in tasks that require concentration.
- They may be hyperactive or do not react when it is expected.
- When routines are altered, they may react with extreme anger.
- When their routine is disrupted they may act aggressively, even hitting their parents.
- Self-harming Behavior may include biting, hitting, head banging or other behaviours.
- Picky Eaters.
- These people have strong reactions to colours, sounds, tastes or smells, which can cause them pain and discomfort.
Autism in Children Aged 4 Years
Autism becomes more apparent as the child ages. Early detection of signs of autism is important in children aged 4 years. The earlier a child receives support, the more easily it is possible to aid in their development.
Autism symptoms in children include:
Social Skills Challenges
- The person doesn’t reply to their name.
- Avoid eye contact with strangers, their parents, other children, teachers or peers.
- Some children prefer to play alone, while others react violently when they are asked to play together.
- Children who struggle with sharing and turn-taking.
- It’s possible that they don’t understand pretend play, and would rather play with real items. For example, real food is preferred to plastic toys.
- It is possible that they may not talk to their parents about what happened or share any stories.
- They are not interested in interacting or socializing with children of their age.
- They avoid physical contact actively and react violently to it.
- There are few or no friends, and they show little interest in making new friends.
- Face expressions are rarely inappropriate or unsuitable for certain situations.
- They are not easily consoled and would rather be left alone.
- Empathy may be low in people who have difficulty understanding the emotions of others.
- It is difficult for them to express their feelings.
Language and Communication Skills
- By the age of four, children can speak with ease and others can understand them.
- By age 4, children are no longer repeating their parents’ words and phrases, but instead creating their own sentences.
- The conversation is off-topic, or they don’t respond to the questions or directions.
- Normally, preschoolers are not able to express their emotions or thoughts.
- Parents aren’t interested in hearing their stories or discussing their experiences.
- Body language and gestures are rarely used to convey.
- By the age of four, most children have learned pronouns.
- By the age of four, most children can understand simple jokes.
Challenges to Their Behavior
- They may predictably organize their toys or objects, giving them a feeling of comfort and predictability.
- They may play with toys the same way every time. This could be a sign of their preference for predictability.
- Small changes to their daily routines can cause them great distress.
- When they are anxious, or scared, they perform repetitive movements. For example, hand-flapping and rocking is a way to self-soothe.
- Children with autism are often dependent on routines and rituals to get through their day.
- They devote a lot of time and energy to the things that they are fixated on. This could be a specific toy or a favourite TV show.
- These people show signs of impulsiveness and act without thinking about the consequences.
- Restlessness and difficulty focusing on tasks may be present.
- When they are unable to express their feelings and needs, they engage in aggressive behaviours such as biting or hitting.
- Some people may react excessively to certain sensory stimuli, such as lights, sounds, textures or smells.
Autism in Children Under 5 Years of Age
The majority of children with autism are diagnosed before the age of 5. Even if the child is not yet diagnosed, symptoms will become apparent as soon as they enter kindergarten or do not reach developmental milestones.

Autism in children under 5 years old is characterized by:
Challenges of Interacting with their Peers and Other
- Most 5-year-olds play with their peers, but they may prefer solitary games.
- It is difficult for them to create scenarios and stories with their peers.
- They may not be able to grasp the concept of Personal Space. For example, they might stand too close and fail to recognize when others need space.
- In social situations, they may appear unresponsive or inattentive when they don’t respond to their names.
- Eye contact may be uncomfortable for them and they avoid it in social situations.
- Some people are not interested in making friends and prefer to do their own thing.
Behavioural Challenges
- They still engage in stimming behaviour, including hand flapping and rocking backwards and forwards.
- The holidays, for instance, may cause distress and emotional dysregulation.
- Neurotypical children may avoid physical contact. For example, while the majority of 5-year-olds are comfortable with physical affection, they often show discomfort when hugs or touching are applied.
- The child may show a keen interest in a particular topic or object, displaying heightened focus and concentration that goes beyond typical curiosity.
- It can be difficult for them to remain focused in situations where their interests are not aligned.
- When unable to communicate their feelings verbally, they may display signs of increased irritability or aggression.
- Hyperactivity and impulsiveness may be present.
- They are not afraid and take risks without realizing the danger.
Language and Communication Challenges
- They may struggle with language and development.
- Some students may talk too much about certain topics or have little interest in engaging with their peers.
- The child hasn’t grown out of their repetitious language stage. They repeat words and phrases.
- Body language is difficult for them to understand and use.
- The difficulty in forming short sentences can lead to problems with communication.
- Parents and teachers may not give them approval, or they may only show limited emotional responses to their reactions.
What are the signs of autism in girls and boys?
The early signs of autism can sometimes be more obvious in boys than in girls. Research shows that only one out of four children with autism are female.
Only one girl out of every nine boys has been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. Children may be misdiagnosed with developmental disorders or social communication disorders.
The girls are usually labelled with developmental delays. However, without an autism diagnosis, they have limited access to care and resources.
Cleveland Clinic suggests that you see your pediatrician as soon as possible if there are any signs of your daughter being autistic. This is especially true if your daughter has not had a regular checkup in a while.
When can my child be diagnosed with autism?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that doctors can detect autism as early as 18 months. Screenings are done during wellness checks at:
- Nine months is a period.
- 18 months,
- Two years old and older
- 3 years.
Many children are diagnosed with autism around the age of two or three. This is often when they start school and social challenges begin to become apparent. It is never too late to get a diagnosis or access resources that will help you manage your life with autism.
The CDC suggests that if your doctor is unsure if an autism diagnosis is appropriate for your child, you should seek a second opinion. Early interventions can be the foundation for future therapy and alter your child’s development.
According to the CDC, during the first three years of a baby’s life, they are more likely than not to adopt good habits. The CDC suggests trying several interventions to see which one (and which therapist) works best for your child.
Early Interventions for Autism
You can take the next step after you have spotted the early signs of autism. Autistic children can be supported by psychiatrists, psychologists and occupational therapists.
The most popular treatments and early interventions are listed below:
- Early Start Denver Model ESDM is an activity-based program that encourages positive parent feedback, shared activities and parental involvement.
- Applied Behavioral Analyses are used by many families. ABA encourages a reward system that promotes parental involvement and encourages a positive reinforcement system.
- Picture Exchange Communication System is a system that teaches children who are not verbal or semi-verbal to communicate using pictures and symbols.
- Visual Behavioral Intervention can also be used for children who have difficulty speaking. Instead of using pictures to communicate, the emphasis is on verbal communication.
- Discrete trial training and Pivotal response training: DT and PR are focused on the behavioural and motivational issues that a toddler may face.
- Floortime Therapy: Floortime is designed to help children with ASD develop their engagement skills, improve their logical reasoning, and increase interaction.
Early Intervention is Key
Autism is often diagnosed after a child fails to meet certain milestones or when their development suddenly has regressed. However, some experts think there are early signs that could indicate autism.
Although not all autistic people can be diagnosed in their infant years, receiving a diagnosis before preschool age has many advantages.
Document any signs your child may be showing of autism. Share your concerns with the doctor who will then address them. Early diagnosis of autism allows families and specialists to work with a child and use popular interventions and therapies.
Q. How early can signs of autism be detected?
A: Autism can be diagnosed as early as age 12-18 months. However, a formal diagnosis will usually only come after the age of 3. Early detection in the first few months allows for better intervention and support.
Q. What are the early signs of autism?
Early signs of autism can include limited eye contact, social difficulties, such as not smiling back at others, and delays with developmental milestones, like babbling or engaging in imaginative play. Sensory processing difficulties, repetitive movements and a failure to respond to their name are also early indicators.
Q: Can Autism be Outgrown?
A: Autism is lifelong. Early intervention and therapy, however, can improve a child’s skills and result in a higher quality of life.
Q. What is the most common symptom of Autism?
A: Autism is characterized primarily by difficulties in social interaction and communication, as well as restricted or repetitive behaviour and interests.