Autism Diet & Nutrition
Parents and caregivers who have children on the autism spectrum are using nutrition as a way to manage and modify some of their children’s behaviours. It’s important to know how nutrition affects autism before you can choose the best diet for your child. Although nutrition or special diets don’t cure autism, some reports have shown the positive effects of a changed diet.

What Is The Autism Diet?
Sensory challenges are common in children with autism. They may have food aversions, which prevents them from getting all the nutrients they require to stay healthy. You may find it difficult to introduce healthier foods to your picky child.
It has been suggested that more research and studies be conducted to prove the link between autism and diet. Autism researchers have not taken a position on this issue, and they do not rule out that diet could affect symptoms.
Should Autistic Kids Be On A Special Dietary Plan?
Many parents choose to try specific diets that they think will help, even though there is no evidence that it does. These diets may not be scientific but the parents’ response proves that they are effective.
Parents who administer autism diets for their children are fond of exclusion diets. These diets reduce or remove foods that are considered harmful to a person’s well-being. Exclusion diets include:
- Gluten-free
- Casein-free
- Salicylate-free
- Yeast-free
What Is The Impact Of Diet On Children’s Health?
Some diets may be beneficial to children with autism. It is important to remember that a certain diet can have both benefits and risks.
By avoiding certain foods, a child can be deprived of the nutrients they need to grow and stay healthy. A casein-free, milk-free diet can have a negative impact on your child’s bones. It is best to consult with a nutritionist or physician before making any changes to your child’s diet.
What Is The Best Diet For Someone With Autism?
There are many ways to reduce or eliminate foods and nutrients known to cause autism symptoms. What about adding specific foods and nutrients to a child’s daily diet to reduce autism symptoms?
Jacqueline Banks, a holistic health advisor and author of an article for Fox News, recommended that people consume foods with anti-inflammatory properties in order to maintain a healthy digestive system. Salmon, for example, is high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts and flaxseeds are also good choices.
Banks state that pasture-raised meats are better because they contain more nutrients and do not contain hormones or chemicals. Fruits and vegetables must also be organic and cleaned well. Smoothies or natural fruit juices can also be a great way to increase your child’s nutritional intake.
These are some more food items to help with autism symptoms:
- Prebiotic-rich food (apples and asparagus, garlic, onions, leeks, bananas and chicory roots)
- Foods rich in probiotics (yogurts, kefirs, and cultured veggies like kimchi).
- B6-containing food (chickens, porks, turkeys, wholegrain cereals and vegetables)
Autism Symptoms Can Be Eased With Special Diets
It is a known fact that diet does not cure Autism. There are no known negative effects from specific diets, which are thought to worsen autism symptoms. We’ll review some popular diets that were developed to meet specific dietary requirements and conditions. Remember that not all children on the autism spectrum will benefit from these diets.
The ketogenic diet and autism
The ketogenic diet, or keto diet, is a popular way to lose weight by replacing carbohydrates with fat. The body then uses fat for energy, resulting in a metabolic state known as ketosis. The keto diet is first used for treating epilepsy in children, a condition that can be present with autism.
A small study suggests that a modified diet ketogenic may be beneficial to people with autism. The study involved 15 children aged two to seventeen years. The children were on a modified ketogenic with MCT supplements (medium-chain triglycerides). MCT is a dietary supplement that contributes to weight loss and inflammation reduction.
The study concluded: “Components from the KD may be beneficial in improving social effects in children with ASD.” Further studies are required to better understand the KD’s impact on behaviour.
You must avoid carbohydrates if you want to follow a ketogenic diet. This diet is based on meats, dairy products high in fat, vegetables low in carbs (spinach kale broccoli), avocados, nuts, seeds and other artificial sweeteners. The following foods are prohibited in the keto diet:
- Grains (wheat, pasta, rice, corn, etc.).
- Sugar (table sugar, soda, honey, agave, maple syrup, etc.)
- Fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, etc.)
- Tubers (potatoes, yams, etc.)
GAPS Diet for Autism

GAPS stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome. It was coined by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, a nutritionist who created the GAPS Diet.
This diet eliminates grains, pasteurized milk, starchy vegetables and refined carbohydrates from the daily food intake of a person. The diet is designed for people with neurological disorders such as autism.
GAPS was developed on the basis of the leaky gut theory. Leaky gut syndrome is when undigested food particles are able to leak into the bloodstream due to a damaged small intestinal lining. Dr Campbell McBride believes that when this occurs, it can affect brain function, causing neurological disorders such as autism, ADD and ADHD, dyslexia and depression.
Leaky gut symptoms include:
- Constipation or diarrhea with gas or bloating
- The immune system is weakened
- Headaches
- Poor brain function and a hazy memory
- Tiredness
- Skin disorders (acne rashes rosacea, etc.)
- Sweets and carbohydrates are the foods that you crave
- Joint pain and arthritis
GAPS has a very specific diet plan that is divided into two phases: the introduction phase and full diet phase. The GAPS diet has a specific meal plan that involves introducing foods gradually in the introduction phase until you’re ready to start the full GAPS Diet.
The GAPS diet includes consuming significant amounts of bone broth, grass-fed and hormone-free meat, fish, shellfish and animal fats. It also includes fresh fruits, non-starchy veggies, kefir and hard cheeses, coconut milk and nuts.
Avoid these foods when following the GAPS diet:
- Artificial sweeteners and sugar
- Syrups
- Alcohol
- Foods that are processed and packaged
- Grains like rice, corn, oats, and wheat
- Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, yams and other yams
- Milk
- Beans except for white and green beans
- Coffee
- Strong tea
- Soy
The GAPS site promotes supplements that go along with the diet. It recommends its brand probiotics to treat autism as well as cod liver oil and fish.
The GAPS diet does not work to treat autism. Health experts also criticize the GAPS diet for its lengthy list of forbidden foods, which may be difficult to implement when dealing with picky eaters. The restriction of certain food categories may cause malnutrition among children.
Some health professionals also view the GAPS diet as a marketing strategy to sell books and DVDs or supplements, rather than treating conditions such as autism. It is advised that parents and caregivers exercise caution when evaluating this approach.
Gluten-free diet for autism/casein-free (Gluten-free casein-free diet (GFCF) diet for autism
In the autism community, the gluten-free, casein-free, or GFCF, diet is gaining in popularity. Discussions and debates are always stimulated by the positive responses of parents and advocates. Research and studies are contradictory, with one study claiming that this diet does not have any positive effects, while the other suggests it can improve autism symptoms.
The GFCF involves eliminating casein and gluten from your child’s daily diet. Casein is found in dairy and milk products. This diet is followed by some parents due to allergies. Others believe that it helps with autism symptoms.
This diet is based on the theory that gluten and casein, which contain opiate-like chemicals, can alter a person’s behaviour and cause them to react differently. This chemical reaction may aggravate symptoms in children with ASD.
It is believed that the GFCF diet can reduce symptoms, and improve social behaviours and cognitive behaviour in children with Autism. Parents reported in a study by the Human Development and Family Studies Department at Penn State that a gluten and casein-free diet improved autism behaviour for their children. The GFCF diet was said to improve language production, eye contact, attention span and social responsiveness in children.
Avoid these foods when following a GFCF-based diet:
- Milk and dairy products
- Bread, pastries and most cereals that are not gluten-free
What you can eat on a gluten-free casein-free diet
- Meat, poultry, and fish
- Fruits, vegetables
- Potatoes, rice, infant rice cereal
- Cereals and pasta that are “gluten-free”
Parents often opt for alternative dairy products like plant-based milk (almond, rice, and soy milk) to provide milk alternatives to children who do not have allergies to nuts or soy. Parents choose gluten-free alternatives to replace milk products that are no longer available.

Autism and the Paleo Diet
The Paleolithic diet was based on the eating habits of our Paleolithic ancestors. Humans hunted meat and consumed fruits during this period. This diet was grain-free because agriculture had not been invented. Paleo involves eating only whole foods and avoiding all processed foods.
You can consume meat, fish and eggs as well as vegetables, fruits, seeds, herbs, oils, healthy fats and spices. Others use alternative grain products such as corn, tortillas and edamame.
Avoid these foods when following a Paleo diet:
- All grains such as rice, corn millet, wheat rye oat barley
- Legumes (peanuts, beans, lentils, tofu)
- Sugar refined
- Dairy Products
- Processed food
- Sweetened drinks & soda
- Refined vegetable oil
- Salt
- Artificial sweeteners
A paleo diet is similar to a GFCF as both diets eliminate dairy and gluten from their menu. Paleo supporters claim that the paleo diet helps to reduce gastrointestinal problems in children with autism.
Karen Pendergrass is the founder of the Paleo Foundation and believes that a paleo-style diet may be even more effective than a GFCF one because it eliminates the gluten substitutes such as corn, millet and sorghum which are used in gluten-free products.
No scientific evidence exists that a Paleo diet can have a positive effect on autism. This diet is suitable for children as it doesn’t eliminate meat. It also allows for more choices for even picky eaters.
It’s important to know the nutrients your child will be missing if you eliminate grains and dairy products from their daily diet. Dairy and grains are both good sources of calcium and fibre.
Specific carbohydrate Diet for Autism (SCD Autism)
SCD is just one of many diets that can help support good digestive health. The SCD diet is grain-free and low in sugar, as well as low in lactose. It was developed by Dr. Sidney Haas to treat celiac. It is known to reduce symptoms of Inflammatory bowel Disease (IBD).
SCD is a diet that aims to improve digestion and prevent gastrointestinal issues by avoiding grains high in carbohydrates. These grains are more difficult to digest. This diet also helps reduce inflammation in the gut, which is beneficial for people who suffer from GI disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease, and celiac.
The following foods are prohibited in the SCD diet:
- Sugars: lactose, sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, fructose, molasses, maltose, isomaltose, fructooligosaccharides, and any processed sugar
- All can vegetables
- All grains, including corn, wheat, wheat kernel, barley rye, buckwheat spelt amaranth, oats rye rice buckwheat spelt spelt and oats
- Chickpeas are one of the many legumes available. Others include garbanzo, mung, fava, and soybean beans.
- Starchy vegetables include potatoes, yams, parsnips and seaweed products such as agar.
- Cans and processed meats
- Dairy products: milk, milk-based products, ice cream, whey, commercial yogurts, heavy creams, buttermilks, sour creams, and cheeses such as ricotta and mozzarella, cottage cheeses, cream cheeses, fetas, processed cheeses and cheese spreads
- Canola oil is used in conjunction with commercial mayonnaise or ketchup. Baking powder, balsamic vinaigrette, margarine and commercial ketchup are also included.
- Candy, chocolate and carob
The SCD diet allows fresh vegetables, legumes unprocessed meats (including poultry, fish and eggs), natural cheeses, oils (coconut, soybean and corn), homemade yogurt and natural fruit juices.
SCD is not proven to be effective in autism by medical research or evidence, but many people have reported remission of GI disorders. There is little information available on whether SCD helps autism symptoms.
Autism diet – Yeast free
It is believed that children with autism may be more susceptible to yeast overgrowth. In the gut, yeast coexists alongside bacteria. Yeast overgrowth is believed to be caused by the use of antibiotics–usually, while a mother is pregnant with a child.
research supports the theory that children who have autism and were exposed to antibiotics in their mother’s womb are more likely to develop yeast growth during birth and afterwards. The microbiome or gut flora of mothers with altered microbiomes can be passed on to their children during pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding. When a child inherits yeast overgrowth in their microbiome it can affect brain development.
Some parents use an alternative therapy known as yeast overgrowth management to combat the effects of yeast growth. Probiotics are used in this therapy to reduce yeast growth and promote healthy bacteria. The therapy results in an improved gut microbiome for children, which is thought to have a positive impact on brain development.
Some details on yeast overgrowth include:
- Add probiotics such as lactobacillus and acidophilus to your diet to restore a balanced bacterial population in the gut
- Limiting the consumption of sugar and yeast
- Use foods that have antifungal properties, such as grapefruit, garlic, and seed extracts, to eliminate yeast from the gut
This diet has not been studied extensively, so parents should seek the advice of a professional before implementing it.
Feingold diet for autism
The Low Salicylate Diet, or Feingold Diet, is a food-elimination program developed by Dr. Ben F. Feingold for hyperactivity. The diet eliminates all salicylates in food, including artificial colours, artificial flavourings, aspartame and some petroleum-based preservatives. Natural plant toxins, salicylates, are found in almonds, honey, some vegetables, and citrus fruits, except lemon, berries and other fruits.
Researchers have found that people with ASD may be unable to digest or process salicylates. They are therefore classified as salicylate-intolerant. Salicylate-intolerant people are prone to attention issues, hyperactivity and mood swings.
The following foods are not permitted in the Feingold Diet:
- Artificial colors such as Red 40 and Blue 2
- Artificial flavours such as artificial vanilla or peppermint
- artificial sweeteners, including aspartame, sucralose, saccharin
- preservatives, such as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), start-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ)
- Foods containing salicylates
On its website, you can find the complete list of food that is allowed on the Feingold Diet. These include bananas and beans, as well as lentils, sweet potatoes, pineapples and squash.
Critics have repeatedly pointed out that it is difficult to follow a Feingold Diet since most foods contain additives and salicylates. Feingold dieters are likely to prepare their food.
Over the years there have been many studies and investigations into the Feingold diet, but none of them can prove that it works. Parents and caregivers who have followed the Feingold diet for years are still adamant it works.
Harvard Health wrote in an article about the Feingold Diet: “For the moment, the consensus is that a sensible nutrition approach for children with ADHD should be the same as for other children: Eat a diet which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy unsaturated fatty acids, and good protein sources.”

What causes Gastrointestinal disorders in Autism?
In a report from 2014, 49% of the 164 children diagnosed with ASD had gastrointestinal dysfunction. Furthermore, 22% of children with ASD showed signs of diarrhea and 26 percent were constipated.
Autism and gastrointestinal problems are linked, confirms the findings.
GID is a term used to describe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These conditions include:
- Constipation is the inability to have regular bowel movements. Constipation is characterized by a distended or bloated stomach, and discomfort when having a bowel motion.
- Vomiting can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. It can also be due to food allergies, migraines and other medical conditions.
- Diarrhea is characterized by watery stools, and a constant need to use the toilet. Diarrhea is not only caused by viruses but can also be a sign of celiac disease and Crohn’s.
- Crohn’s Disease – This chronic bowel disorder inflames any part of the gastrointestinal system between the mouth to the anus. Studies have shown that the immune system may be involved.
- Crohn’s disease or celiac can cause lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance can cause bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain within minutes after consuming milk.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – defined as the “abdominal discomfort associated with altered bowel habits,” the symptoms are often sudden, persistent, and irregular bowel movements that can either be constipation-predominant or diarrhea-predominant.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – also known as acid reflux or heartburn, this condition is caused due to a weak esophageal sphincter that allows partially digested foods to go up the esophagus.
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that’s triggered by gluten. Excluding gluten from a child’s diet has been found to improve symptoms for many parents of children with ASD. This is because the protein damages the villi, which are the small finger-like projections that line the small intestine.
Can a person’s diet lead to Gastrointestinal Disorders?
In order to treat or resolve GI symptoms, it is important to identify the underlying cause and determine if they can be resolved or treated by changing eating habits or implementing special diets. Parents are encouraged to report any issues with diet, digestion and bowel movements that may affect the moods or behaviours associated with autism.
The best way to feed your child is to compromise between what they need and what they prefer. Diet will not cure your children, but you can use it to improve their overall health and reduce any diet-related issues.
So can iet treat autism symptoms? Health experts agree that there’s no evidence that diets can cure autism symptoms. While diets don’t treat autism symptoms they can help with some of the issues associated with autism such as gastrointestinal disorders and poor Gut Health.